Love Marriage Vs Arrange Marriage

Love Marriage Vs Arrange Marriage
What would you like to do – a Love Marriage or an Arrange Marriage? this is one among the question upon that there area unit many controversies going on. In fact truly it’s very tough to mention which type of wedding would be the correct selection for anyone. as the well same language goes
“Every coin has two lines”, thus area unit the advantages and downsides of affection and arrange Marriages.No have to be compelled to say that there area unit continually the drawbacks of “Marriage”, but how could one restrain himself of it as the well same language goes in Hindi language as “Shaadi ka laddoo – jo khaye pachtaye, jo Na khaye pachtaye”. It means wedding is such a sweet that the one who chow suffers conjointly the} one who doesn’t also suffers. Anyways, once everybody has to suffer, why not decide yourself upon what way to suffer.Considering Love wedding, the positive sides here area unit that both the partners (Oops, is also partners) can perceive one another well,
what each of them likes, dislikes, their hobbies, crafts, possessions, rights, timings, families, background, desire, motivations, nature, history, ex-boyfriends/girlfriends, etc. this could contemplate them to help them lead a peaceful life. but to get to final destination of obtaining married after Love, isn't very easy. The boy and the lady must have met hundreds of times before they may finally get to the choice of obtaining one. they need to have exchanges ample goodies & gifts (Do i would like to mention Kisses? ;-). And when they feel they understand one another fine, they decide to conjoin. And starts arising the problem: the most important villains – their parents and their completely different castes. These area unit the 2 commonest problems lovers face to get married. Somehow once these problems area unit resolved, starts a very romantic life jam-packed with enjoyment. Time passes by and gradually starts the whining and the fights with silly topics (of Love Marriage): (1) You don’t give Pine Tree State time as you would before wedding.
(2) You don’t take Pine Tree State to parks. (3) You don’t take Pine Tree State to restaurants. (4) You don’t take Pine Tree State for a motion picture. (5) Husband who liked  the shade of her hair before wedding now - Keep your hair tied up; there’s a hair in my food. (6) Why don’t you allow Pine Tree State alone for a moment. (7)… (8)…. (9)…. (10)…. and the list continues. Oh…and now arrange wedding, where you see the lady, the lady see you (Both no quite 2 minutes), as one another three life-line questions, the oldsters meet (decide bribery) and decide the wedding. Wow, how ____________! (Don’t find a word. tough persons please fill in here.) you bought to grasp nothing about one another, simply see one another dumb faces and decide whether or not to marry or not. but that’s sensible as there are no commitments between one another that would give no rise to questions as during a Love wedding like you don’t give Pine Tree State time now, you don’t love Pine Tree State as you would before, etc. but what about your likes, dislikes, expectations from one another, your hobbies and interests? If they (fortunately) match, then it heaven and well if it does not, then God forbids, but starts a life jam-packed with sacrifice and settlements. you've got to go away things, food, hobbies that the alternative partner do not and accept his/her likes, hobbies and alternative habits. No, I can’t manage with this.So you see these area unit the execs and cons of a Love wedding and arrange wedding. thus better all you Bachelors, kindly perceive them properly and decide how you would like your life to be ruined.

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