Are You Married, Divorced and Remarried?

Are You Married, Divorced and Remarried?
With the ethical decay in our society, our youngsters area unit growing up wherever respect for wedding is declining and also the divorce rate has reached epidemic proportions. within the us now a days the divorce rate is fifty three. for each couple WHO espouse,
They're additional doubtless to urge a divorce than they're to remain married.  Divorce wrecks God’s purpose in wedding.  The teaching of God's instruction on wedding has been too typically neglected, decision making from the disintegration of numerous marriages. we have a tendency to browse in Malachi 2:16, "For the Lord God of Israel, says that He hates divorce."  Divorce is one among the best failures of man-kind.  In each divorce there's sin.  The perpetrators of divorce have rejected God’s can that wedding is forever. the explanation for divorce is stinginess. they may care less regarding their relation or their youngsters. they're solely thinking of themselves,
 the foremost serious a part of divorce is that there's sin concerned which is able to cause many folks to loose their souls.  Most divorces find yourself with either one or each of the spouses living in AN adulterous relationship by remarrying some other person.  Adulterous relationships will cause many folks to lose their reward of Heaven. we have a tendency to browse in Galatians 5:19-21, "Now the works of the flesh area unit evident that are: extramarital sex, fornication, dirtiness, lewdness…and kind, of that I tell you beforehand, even as I additionally told you in time past, that people who apply such things won't inherit the dominion of God."  The Bible makes it terribly clear that one WHO continues in extramarital sex cannot head to Heaven.  If one doesn't head to Heaven he can need to pay forever and ever within the burning fires of Hell.  Hell is real, whether or not individuals need to believe it or not.
 belief errors regarding divorce and marriage ceremony area unit widespread. abundant error is being tutored and practiced concerning wedding, divorce, and marriage ceremony nowadays.   James Baird in 1981 in an exceedingly book entitled "And I Say Unto You" listed eight completely different theories that folks area unit teaching on Matthew 19:9.  In 1987 Goebel Music in an exceedingly book entitled "Divorce" listed twenty five completely different theories that folks teach regarding wedding, divorce, and marriage ceremony.  All of this perverted error goes to cause a large number of individuals to be lost forever. additionally people who area unit teaching this error area unit getting to be lost with them. this is often such a tragedy. we have a tendency to should be terribly careful on what we have a tendency to teach. 
 individuals should be tutored the full truth of God’s word. many folks in and out of the church in our fast-paced and immoral society became concerned in marriages, divorces, and remarriages contrary to the straightforward plain teaching of Christ. individuals have tried to search out how round the Bible, in longing for some loophole, in a shot to search out justification for those living within the sinful and lost state of extramarital sex.  The church is being stuffed with adulterers. we have a tendency to dare not "sugarcoat" the sin of extramarital sex and justify away what God has same.  We cannot help but have compassion for adulterers in their lost and sinful state, however in our compassion we have a tendency to dare not modification clear Biblical teaching lest we have a tendency to additionally loose our own souls.  Sin has its consequences. {when we have a tendency to|once we|after we} sin we are able to be forgiven only if we repent, however we have a tendency to should repent.  One, WHO has repented of sin, doesn't still apply it.
 within the following seven sections we'll see however extramarital sex is outlined and the way God defines extramarital sex within the Bible.  The Bible quotations area unit in red.

Marriage as God designed it within the starting for all man-kind was to be permanent.  In Genesis 2:24 God same, "Therefore a person shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his mate, and that they shall become one flesh." wedding is one man, for one mate, for life.

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